Little lock-lovers

What's with kids and their moms' golden, err...raven locks? Mine freak out whenever I even think about getting a haircut. It's not that I am talking about cascading locks that sashay with every swagger of mine. C'mon, ever since they've started seeing me, I've only had a shoulder length crop. But hah, those little men! They fantasize about long, wavy locks that they can wrap their chubby little fingers through, and scrunch and knead and twist...

As though to drive home their point, whenever my mom visits, they immediately ditch my pathetic excuse of Rapunzelian locks and scoot to my mom's headful of springy curls, with a sly, "look, this is called hair!" look thrown at me! And to think that my mom has never been an ardent fan of her unmanageable mane of curls!

A democratic discussion on the right length of my locks was certainly out of question. Emotions would run too high, the arguments superheated. So when the Singaporean summer literally barbecued my neck and nerves, I decided to take matters into my own...ummm...into the hairdresser's hands.

When I got back, you should've seen their faces! 3 little boys who had just lost their gummy bears! My feeble protests of "See, now we all look the same!" fell on reddening little deaf ears!

Nandu (thoroughly distressed), "Amma, how can I draw you now? With spiky hair? Like acha?"

Oh no! I'd never thought of that! Nandu's family picture had to be perfect.....moms must have long hair and dads short.

Goodness! When did I create such cute little MCPs? Is it simply a man thing or did I do something to create such crazy little lock lovers?

But then, my self-doubts were somewhat allayed when my friends reassured me that they also have little lock-lovers at home...boys or girls, they seem to love mama's locks....the longer, the better!



  1. Hey, that was soooo sweet! Its so cute that kids assume parents have no life of their own :-) I thought the same when I was a kid, and still do.

  2. ganga........u do look undeniably smart but i must be honest and tell you i am kinda siding with the boys on this one! :(.....:)

  3. ...but if thats what it took to get you to start writing again.... ;)

  4. Yes, Pals...absolutely!

    Et tu Archie?!!!!!

  5. First time here, loved this post... you are right, they are not MCPS, all kids love their mamma's with long locks :)

    I think you look great with your short hair in the photograph, but then I haven't seen how you looked otherwise so can't compare...

  6. Glad you visited, Indianhomemaker! Have seen you on Shail's blog often...

    I wonder why...why can't kids love their mama's short locks? Why do they have to make one feel sooo super guilty every time one needs a hair trim?!

  7. Only one word. Cute. I had this most stupid smile on my face while reading this. :)


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